Paper of the International Communist Party
The Communist Party


- 2015 - 1 - 2 -
- 2016 - 3 - 4 -
- 2017 - 5 - 6 -
2018 - 7-8 - 9 - 10 -
- 2019 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 -
- 2020 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 -
- 2021 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 -
- 2022 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 -
- 2023 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 -
- 2024 - 56 - 57 - 58 -

N° 1 - May 2015
– Lessons from the five month miners’ strike in South Africa: Apartheid - 500,000 workers - Machine gun fire on strikers - Electoral circus - NUMISA calls off strike - “Anti-communist” - Strikes “damage capital” - A victory for the international working class - Compromise - Rebuild class-based trade unions
– May Day 2015 - Workers have nothing to lose but their chains and a world to win - As capitalism prepares for a new world war it has nothing to offer the proletariat but poverty - The workers must defend their standard of living today so they can destroy the global power of capitalism tomorrow!
– Pioltello (Italy), 8 June, 2014 - For the Territorial reorganisation of the Working Class
– Report on Rank and File Movements in Italy

N° 2 - October 2015
– Rome, June 8, 2015 - The Cgil attack picketing strikers - Defending and organizing the workers’ struggle
– First Congress of SI Cobas – Our Comrade’s Intervention
– For the international solidarity of the exploited of every race and country!
– Germany - GDL betrays train divers

N° 3 - May 2016
– May Day 2016 - Under the capitalist regime there can be no peace between States - So let there be war between classes!
– Paris attacks: Bourgeois terrorism
– Uniting the struggle of the international working class
– Italy - No “Christmas truce” for the struggles of the SI Cobas: Against police and regime unions
– Airbus production moved to USA
– Democratic Tunisia can’t stop the revolt of the unemployed
– Proletarians against bourgeois in Palestine

N° 4 - September 2016
– Demonstrations in France against the El Khomri law and the ambiguous attitude of the CGT
– Italy: Ikea workers divided in struggle - Introduction - Italian Base Unions still divided - Still opposing the Base Unions - Class murder
– UK: Brexit was no “working class revolt”: The rise of UKIP - Racism for dividing the oppressed - Britain votes out - What happens next? - Britain is in no position to negotiate - The Disunited Kingdom - Brexit and the working class
– Questions from the Usa on the SI Cobas and the Trade Unions

N° 5 - March 2017
– USA: After the Nightmare of the Election in the USA and the Dissection of its Corpse
– USA: Against Trump or Against Capitalism: Democracy is Fascism, Fascism is Democracy - Community or Class? - Immigration - Build Working Class Resistance: Class Unionism - Need for Class Party
– United Kingdom: Strikes on Southern Rail: Trouble on London Underground - The Fundamental Issue of Safety of Driver Only Trains
– Venezuela: Report by our Comrades: Crisis, Inflation and Workers Struggle - On the Situation in the Coast of Carabobo State (Puerto Cabello and Moron)
– Venezuela: Plain Speaking about Chavismo and Anti-chavismo: A path to Socialism? - A Struggle Against the Bourgeoisie? - Anti-imperialism? - Do they Govern in the Workers’ Interests? - A Struggle Between Capitalism and Socialism? - Nothing New under the Sun

N° 6 - June 2017
– Grenfell Tower: A Monstrous Crime against the Working Class
– May First 2017 - International Workers’ Day - In the Face of Threats of Imperialist War - Return to the Class Struggle, to October, to Communism - History repeats itself
– One Day Strikes and Solidarity on British Railways
– A Determined Bus Drivers Strike in Ireland
– Italy - SI Cobas: Class Conflict in Modena
– The need for an International Organisation of Port Workers
– The Decline of the United Kingdom: the End of its Empire in a European Context

N° 7-8 - May 2018
– May First 2018: Against Capitalism"s Wars - For Working Class Organization and Struggle - For Revolution and Communism
– Solidarity with West Virginia School Workers
– The US national strategy presented by President Trump, December 18, 2017
– On Charlottesville: Our Stance on Anti-Fascism
– Venezuela: The Inter-Bourgeois Political Confrontation Pushes the Proletariat Away from the Struggle for Its True Historical Objectives
– From Germany: On the IG Metall Agreement
– Where the Proletariat Rebels - Class struggles in Tunisa, Sudan and Iraqi Kurdistan
Reports on Italian Rank-and-File Unions:
– Two General Strikes in Italy: The ICP’s February 23rd Leaflet - February 24 Leaflet: Outside and Against of the Election Farce: Resume the Class Struggle
– The Second National Congress of the USB: Introduction - A short history of the Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) - USB Congress Report: Another ‘One Motion Congress’
– A Guide: To be used to identify the (unfortunately) numerous Rank and File Unions in Italy

N° 9 - August 2018
– Threats of Trade Tariffs Already Deny the Bourgeois Illusions of War-Free Imperialism
– USA: The Profit of Destruction
– Behind the Farce of the 19th Congress of the Chinese "Communist" Party, The Power and the Frailty of a Great Imperialist Country: From Mao to Deng, National Independence and Capitalist Development - The Agrarian Reform - Xi Jinping and Chinese Imperialism - The New Silk Road - Recent Tensions
– UK: Fast Food Workers Out on May Day: Done with the Tories or Done with Capitalism? - What will come next? - An Arduous but Necessary Struggle
– Strikes and the Situation in Brazil
– Even in Nicaragua, the Blood of the Proletariat is Exposing “Socialism of the 21st Century”
– Class Struggles in Israeli Ports
– No Job Security if you’re in the Working Class: Report from the Second Congress of the USB (continued from previous issue: Oppose Class Divisions by Organizing on a Territorial Basis - Real Centralization or Organizational Rigidity? - The Union and the ‘Social Movements’ - The ‘Social Issues Federation’ - The Trade Union Movement and the Political Parties - Trade Union and “Political Role” - The real “Political” Objectives of the USB Leadership - Conclusion

N° 10 - November 2018
– The Rearmarment of Imperialism
– Construction Workers in Turkey face Bourgeois Tyranny
– Another Proletarian Uprising in Basra
For the Class Union:
– Aluminium Strike in Western Australia
– Letter from the US - A Report from the "Rank-and-File: Organizing the Service Industry
– Two Major Strikes in the UK
– Report on Striking Marriott Workers Across the US

N° 11 - January 2019
– Yellow Vests Movement in France: The Big Fear is that the Working Class will Move
– Brexit - no way out for the British Bourgeoisie: Falling EU immigration: a Pyrrhic victory for the populists - Ireland - The Need for a Working Class Response
– Hungarian Slavery Act
For the Class Union:
– On Immigration
– ICP Intervention on Immigration - Distributed at a Rank and File Union demonstration in Rome, Saturday 15 December: Against the attack on the conditions of all workers, natives and immigrants! - Against the “Security Decree!” - For a United Working Class Trade Union Front!
– Canada post on strike!

N° 12 - March 2019
– In the War Hotbed of the Middle East
– Cuba: Reforms to State Capitalism
– Venezuelan Regional Meeting
– Organic Centralism: How and Why
For the Class Union
– Wildcat Strikes in Mexico
– Dockers of Puerto Cabello fight for a Wage Increase
– 8th of March 2019 - Only with Communism will Women come into their own

N° 13 - May 2019
– May 1, 2019, Proletarians have no Country, they are the International Working Class!
– Report on the Mass Movement in Sudan
– For the Class Union
– Sit-ins in the Quebec Health Sector: Women at the Forefront
– IWW Summit and Strikes in Great Britain
– Workers Shutdown the US Government Shutdown
– Italy, 6 April 2019 - Class Solidarity

N° 14 - July 2019
– The New Silk Road: The Colonizers Colonized
– Unite Working Class Struggles with an United Class Union Front, Meetings held by the ICP in Turin, Genoa, Bologna, Florence, Rome, October-November 2016: The Current Situation; The Party’s Conduct towards Trade Unions in Italy after the War; The Necessary Unification of Workers’ Struggles; Base Unionism; Opposing Conceptions on the Nature of Strikes; United Class Union Front; Trade Union Struggle and Political Struggle
– The Only Defense of Dock Workers is in the Unity of Working Class Struggle - To the Port Workers of Genoa

N° 15 - September 2019
– The Stresses, Strains and Chaos of Brexit: That Margaret Thatcher started it - Political crisis - The Republic of Ireland - Democracy has no answer
– Letter from North Ireland
– Hong Kong working class needs to fight for itself against patriots and autonomists: "One country, two systems" - The decline of the former colony - Social causes of protests - Neither democracy nor Chinese homeland
– CUNY, The Educators’ Struggle is the Workers’ Struggle!
– Elections in Israel: The abstentionism of the Party against the fraud
– Environmental Disaster can only be Stopped Through Class Struggle and the Destruction of Capitalism

N° 16 - November 2019
– Turkish invasion of Syrian Kurdistan: Still Clashes among Regional and World Imperialism
– Chile: The great fear of the world bourgeoisie - The Awakening of the Lebanon: The Proletariat has Taken to the Streets
– The Strike at General Motors
– ICP Leaflet: City University of New York Teachers Negotiations
– Rome, Saturday October 26: For a class union front
– Marco Giacomelli

N° 17 - January 2020
– The Dead End of Inter‑Class Street Protests
– UK Election Solves Nothing
– French General Strike
– Montreal Port Struggle
– Lock‑out at ABI Bécancour: A Year of Usual Capitalist Contempt
– Wobbles

N° 18 - March 2020
– For Anti‑Militarism and Proletarian Internationalism
– State of the American Presidential Elections
– On the Coming Economic Crisis
– Against Bosses, the Bourgeois State and Regime Unionism
– To Readers in Quebec
– Wobbles
– The Great Lessons of 1917

N° 19 - April 2020
– The pandemic is not above the classes
– Covid-19 treatment for capitalism means no relief for the working class
– Coronavirus vs. Capitalism
– Pandemics, Profits and Proles
– Wobbles
– Vitoria (Spain): Work ’Cannot go on like this’
– Letter from a Machinist in Wisconsin Regarding Work Continuation
– Rank and File Mechanics Actions at American Airlines

N° 20 - May 2020
– May Day 2020: World Capitalism, Only Concerned with its own Survival, Exploits and Abandons the Working Class to the Contagion - Capitalism can and Must be Overthrown Everywhere
– Coronavirus measures - UK - We are Not in this Together!
– For The Class Union
– The price of oil collapses - In deflation the material itself rebels against its commodity form

N° 21 - June 2020
– Racism Protects the Capitalist System - Only the Working Class can Eradicate it: Take Action Against Racist Violence - Form Workers’ Assemblies - Force Businesses to improve immediate conditions - Support the protests - The working class has the power to transform society
– The Dangerous Implications of the Collapse of Oil Prices
– Raleigh’s reaction to the Uprising - A Struggle Between a Working-Class Movement and Bourgeois Collaboration
– Prison Revolts Around The World: Imprisoned Workers Suffer Under Emergency Measures
– From the archives: American Dream under Fire (Communist Left No.5 January-June 1992)

N° 22 - July 2020
– Internationalism Will Defeat Racism! The Juneteenth Port Workers’ Strike
– Against Class Collaboration, For a Proletarian Anti-Racist Movement
– The Imaginary "General Strike" on May 1
– Action by Agricultural Workers in Yakima, Washington
– Walk-Out at Portland Whole Foods: The Pandemic Demands Class Consciousness

N° 23 - August 2020
– Two Months of Protests in Portland, Oregon: Trump the Fascist? - The Direction of Militarized Policing - More fluid tactics
– The Attorney General’s “Anti‑Extremism” Task Force
– Only the workers’ struggle against capitalist exploitation will overcome the social subjugation of race, nationality, gender, religion: The same commodity in different containers - What is the class answer?
– The Class Struggle and Imperialist Conflict in Hong Kong: Trade Unions in Hong Kong - Proletarians Defend Bourgeois Interests - The Necessity for Class Autonomy
– Tensions on Chinese-Indian Border: Historical Relations between Imperialist Powers - The Present Situation is Unstable
– For the Class Union: Bath, Maine - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Montreal, Quebec - Portland, Oregon

N° 24 - September 2020
– Fascism Can Never Solve the Crisis of Capitalism: A Historical Perspective: The Communist Party of Italy’s, Report on Fascism presented to the Fourth Congress of the Communist International in 1922
– U.S. and Chinese Imperialisms Face Off at the Taiwan Strait: U.S. Protection - The US-Iranian co-management of Iraq - Partial folding
– The temporary withdrawal of the United States from the Middle East
– For a Clear Distinction Between Unions and Political Parties
– Port Workers Strike in Montreal

N° 25 - October 2020
– Against the Electoral Circus: For the Class Struggle!
– Lenin and Abstentionism (from “Il Soviet” 1920)
– A Monstrous Alien Force
– U.S. and Chinese Imperialisms Face Off at the Taiwan Strait (part 2)
– Port Workers Strike in Montreal (Update)
– Reject your Heroes, reject the NBA’s False Message!
– Las empresas, sus gobiernos y los sindicatos del regime se unen para defender la plusvalia y la ganancia

N° 26 - November 2020
– Class Struggles Win. Elections Don’t
– War in Armenia and Azerbaijan
– In Belarus: Behind the Scenes a Strong Working Class Keeps on Pushing
– Letter from Turkey
– Letter from Wisconsin
– Against Political Fronts and Reformist Illusions: A leaflet distributed at strikes in Rome and Milan, Oct. 2020
– Lockout at Jean Coutu: Leaflet in Quebec, Oct. 2020: Lockout at the distribution center - The lockout, this employer violence - The problem of corporatist unionism and regime unions - Solidarity, the workers’ only lever

N° 27 - December 2020
– Pandemics and World Capitalism - Communism Will Liberate Science to Serve Humanity: The Road Ahead
– The Origins of the Nigerian Uprising
– Covid in the UK
– Nurses Strike in Alberta
– High Speed

N° 28 - January 2021
– Protests in France - For the abolition of capital and wage labor! Long live the dictatorship of the proletariat!
– A Cure for Capitalism - the Covid‑19 Vaccines and the Economic Crisis
– The Rise of Amazon
– Lenin, the Organic Centralist - New Translation from Our Party - The Formation of the Bolshevik Party
– Pennsylvania Nurses Strike

N° 29 - February 2021
– Heart of Democracy: The Riot at the U.S. Capitol
– India - Between Peasant Protests and Workers’: Strikes: A great general strike contained by opportunism - The new laws on agriculture and peasant protest - Indian agriculture - The dramatic condition of the peasantry - The peasant movement and its contradictions
– Trans-Pacific Partnership: Revived as CPTPP
– 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Italy

N° 30 - March 2021
– For Women’s Freedom, For Communism! - International Working Women’s Day
– Amazon, There Will Be No Justice - There is Just Us!: Yes to Bessemer Amazon Union, No to Service Unionism - Workers! Don’t Give Up Your Power: Strikes and other Work Actions - Turn Solidarity Actions Into Direct Actions - Build the Class Union - Internationalize the Struggle, Make Common Cause with Amazon Workers In Canada, Germany, Italy, UK
– Europe’s Vaccine Wars, The First Shots in a Wider Trade War: The trade war gathers speed
– The Draghi Government in Italy: Apparent Democracy, Reigning Fascism
– Gamestop, Reddit, and the Failure of the Bourgeois Left

N° 31 - April 2021
– The Coup in Burma and the False Promises of Democracy
– Strikes and Repression in Piacenza and Prato, Italy - ICP Leaflet to Prato Textile Workers, March 20
– Istanbul Municipal Workers Strike Against Social-Democratic Bosses: What happened? - What should be done?
– Disaster at Georgia Poultry Plant

N° 32 - May 2021
– May Day 2021: Only World Revolution Can Stop the Crisis of Capitalism
– Daunte Wright: Against Democratic Racism - For General Class Struggle
– Anger Erupts in Northern Ireland
– UK “Slaveroo” Riders Strike Over Pay and Working Conditions
– Amazon: Bessemer (Alabama, USA) - A Referendum Used Against the Workers’ Struggle

N° 33 - June 2021
– May 15, 2021, Israel-Palestine: A War on Behalf of Bourgeois States
– On the Repeal of Abortion in Poland
– Covid-19: Overcoming Global Vaccine Inequality
– Port of Montreal: Capitalism needed a special law to put an end to the strike
– On the Suez Canal Debacle
– CUBA: Bringing Order to their Capitalism
– For The Class Union: - Australia, Pakistan, Serbia, Spain - ICP Leaflet Distributed in Venezuela: Fight for an Increase in Wages

N° 34 - Juli 2021 - pdf - printable
– “We’re Not Backing Down” - Working Class Confidence Grows: Volvo Trucks - Warrior Met Coal - Health Care Strikes: “Summer of Chaos” - Marathon Petroleum - Restaurants, Groceries and Food Manufacture - Donuts! - Fritos! - Pickles! - Hooters! - Burgers! - Kroger! - Public Workers: New Orleans - Elizabeth City, North Carolina - Concluding Remarks
– Welcome to the HeatDome
– Bourgeois Construction: The Florida Building Collapse
– Death and Justice in Capitalism
– UK Electricians’ struggle - A powerful end to a decade long fight: Another attempt at introducing deskilling role - Final Round in Gateshead
– The Division of Powers in Bourgeois Democracy
– For The Class Union - Italy: June 18, A United National Strike of Logistics Workers - For the unitary strike of rank-and-file trade unions in logistics! - For the establishment of the United Class Union Front!
– The Murder of a SI Cobas Militant: The Perpetrator is the Bourgeois Regime!

N° 35 - August 2021 - pdf - printable
– Cuba’s proletariat in revolt against capitalism’s crises
– Italian national demonstration at GKN-auto
– Greenwashing in China
– Catastrophic flooding in north-western Europe, another environmental crisis: The Eifel, a cursed land - Floods in China and Turkey - Capitalism has no solution
– A century after the occupation of factories in Italy: The context - Occupied factories and armed proletarians - Not a proletarian offensive, not a bourgeois offensive - Guaranteed reformism - After the betrayal of social democracy - After a hundred years
– For the class union: Frito Lay strike - USA fast food workers - Brazilian rail workers - Colombian protests

N° 36 - September 2021 - pdf - printable
– Afghanistan: Return of the Taliban
– 20 Years Since September 11th
– Mexico: Cooking Gas Prices Rise and Wages remain in the ditch
– Vax / No-vax
– Constitutional Wrangles and Election Hysteria: The 2020 Presidential Campaign - The so-called January 6th Insurrection - The Military and other State agencies begin their work - Further discrediting of the Election process
– For the Class Union: Quebec Health Care Workers - Greece, New Labor Law - Pakistan, Recen Labour News - Germany, Railroad Strikes

N° 37 - October-November 2021 - pdf - printable
– The Growing Crisis of the Capitalist System Pushes It Towards War: Despite The Crisis, World Military Spending Continues To Grow - United States dominates, China follows - Minor But Well-Armed Powers - Only The Non-Pacifist Proletariat Is Anti-Militarist and Anti-War
– AUKUS - A new war pact between imperial powerhouses of Capital
– Andrea Rovere - RIP
– UK truckers fight back against lousy pay and conditions: Fuel crisis - Safety issues
– Workers-Toilers’ Rally in Istanbul
– Workers Struggles Italy: GKN Workers as an Example of a Class Union Movement - Rome, monday 11 october 2021, Hurray for the general strike of the rank and file trade unions!, For a Class Union Front for the defense of the immediate interests of the working class, For the rebirth of the One Big Union: outside and against the regime unions
– FOR A CLASS UNION - News and interventions of the class struggle:
-- The IWW: Class Union or One Big Union?:
-- Strike at John Deere
-- Militancy in the Building Trades: Painters Union, Portland Oregon - Carpenters Seattle A local newspaper wrote - Share in the McGuide FB group - Seattle Teamster Concrete drivers
-- Another Major Strike of South African Steel workers
– IATSE: Kill the Proposal!

N° 38 - December 2021 - pdf - printable
– The Struggle of the Cadiz Metalworkers Shows the Way to Fight Attempts at Further Exploitation
– Strike at the Container Port of Piraeus/Athens: A death foretold - Our struggle is for all workers - COSCO is forced to come to terms - A fourth dock
– Karachi, A Capitalist Hell: The new agreement with China - Capitalism dominates in Karachi - Expropriation - The destruction of proletarian neighborhoods - The whole city is suffering - The necessity of Communism
– The Class Origins of the Mapuche Insurgency in Chile - Only Workers’ Struggles Can Free Native Peoples from Oppression: Economic Origins of the Conflict - The Course of Events - Foquismo Has Done Nothing for Native Workers - Militarization Against “Native Rebellions” Is not Limited to Chilec- Only Workers’ Struggle Can Free the Native Laborers from their Oppression
– The National Strike of ex-ILVA and Piombino steelworkers: For a Class Union Line - For United Action by the Combative Unions

N° 39 - January 2022 - pdf - printable
– The Causes of Inflation
– In Kazakhstan the working class has shown what it is capable of doing and what it will do
– War and hunger in store for the proletariat in Turkey
– Tornados in Illinois: Dying for Profits at Amazon
– A leaflet distributed by our comrades in Venezuela
– The Same Path, as Always
– The tactic of the leftist party front is a counter-revolutionary policy

N° 40 - February-March 2022 - pdf - printable
– Capitalism is war - To stop it, the working class must bring capitalism down
– The Ukrainian pretext: The Encirclement of Russia – United States v. Germany – A bold move? – A united Europe does not exist – Russia is not the first enemy for the USA – The imperialist order wavers – A mad arms race in the run-up to war
– On the Collapse of Pittsburgh’s Fern Hollow Bridge
– The Rise of the Right in Quebec: Conservative Party a new force? – Upcoming Elections
– Class Struggle on the BNSF
– Class Struggle on the Rise in Turkey
– Portugal: The Socialist Party sinks the law against precarious employment – The tragicomic parliamentary comedy of the Stalinist PC – The labor movement paralyzed by opportunism
– Notes on the question of party "logo" - Hammer and Sicle: How do communists recognize themselves?
– Situation of the American Workers - By American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1947/48)

N° 41 - April 2022 - pdf - printable
– Capitalism needs war: Government armies and “people’s resistance” are being used against the working class
– Italy, Saturday, march 26, 2022: Only a mobilization of the working class can stop the war! - For a class union front for the defense of living and working conditions!
– March 8 during war-time - Women and the international communist revolution: The oppression of women originates with the class society - Narxist classics point communists in the correct direction - The socialist and communist origin of International Women’s Day - Women’s right to vote - Alexandra Kollontai’s "new woman" - The sad dissolution of International Women’s Day in democratic illusions
– 2014 - In the Ukraine: Stale nationalisms are used to cover up inter-imperialist conflict
– 2014 - War maneuvers in Europe

N° 42 - May 2022 - pdf - printable
– It is an Imperialist War: Towards a general war - The end of the Russian empire - Ukrainian ambiguity - The Donbass - NATO pressure - Against the proletariat in Ukraine - The internationalist task of the communists
– The rearmament of the German State with the support of parties and trade unions
– In Russia: God, Country and Family
– Ukraine and the Question of Fascism
– Turkey as Mediator: The Regional Imperialist Power Tries to Turn a Diplomatic Crisis into Opportunity - The war in Ukraine has once again brought Turkey’s role as a rising regional imperialist power to the fore
– From the Archive of the Left:
 The Dilemma is not War or Peace but War or Revolution (By the American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1950). Initially published in the Autumn-Winter 1950 issue of “The Internationalist”, a publication of the Italian communist left in the U.S.)
– Amazon Labor Union
– The Starbucks Campaign: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - The Solution

N° 43 - June 2022 - Labor Notes special edition - pdf - printable
Unite working class struggles with a class union front: The current situation - The necessity of the unification of workers’ struggles - Base unionism - Opposing conceptions on the nature of strikes - United class union front - Trade union struggle and political struggle
2019 Strike at General Motors: Demands - Corruption in the UAW - Counter grups - International aspects - Class unionism’s lack of organization vs the regime unions
Class union or OBU?: The IWW
Class struggle on the BNSF
Canada port on strike
Two major strikes in the UK
Dockers of Puerto Cabello Venezuela fight for a wage increase
The only defense of dock workers is in the unity of working class struggle: To the port workers of Genoa
Internationalism will defeat racism!: The juneteenth port workers’ strike
Against class collaboration: For a proletarian anti-racist movement
On Charlottesville: Our stance on anti-fascism (5/18)

N° 44 - July 2022 - pdf - printable
– The Bourgeois Attack on Abortion in the USA.
– The Proletariat in Sri Lanka Fights Against the Bourgeois State but It’s Still Lacking its Authentic Independent Class Organs: Why is there a Crisis in Sri Lanka? - The Bourgeois Government’s Militaristic Response to COVID - Imperialist War anywhere affects the proletariat everywhere - Where is the Proletariat in All of This? - The remarkable endurance of the struggle
– The Media Circus and the Performing Bears
– Italy, Friday 20 May: Strike Against the War! - After the Strike
– For the Class Union: Longshore - Amazon - Deere - Steel
– Militant Action in the UK

N° 45 - August 2022 - pdf - printable
– Colombia: the government changes but the class dictatorship of the bourgeoisie remains
– National Strike in Ecuador
– Venezuela: Worker’s struggles arise despite the betrayal of the unions and the government’s repression
– Rome, June 18: Fighting to not pay the costs of imperialist war is the first concrete step to stop it!
– “Horrors” and “War Crimes”, On the Thread of Time, 1949
– FOR THE CLASS UNION: Intervention at Labor Notes - UK government introduces Scabs’ Charter - Trucker activity in the US - Updates on the struggles of port workers and railroad workers - UAW constitutional convention - Illegal educators’ strike in Massachusetts - Correction to the Starbucks article from TCP no.42 - Chicago quarry strike
– Italy - ICP Leaflet on the Arrest of the Si Cobas and USB Leaders: The united class union front is the only way to defend workers from attacks by the bosses and the State

N° 46 - September 2022 - pdf - printable
– Iranian Working Class in Revolt Against Food Crisis: Workers on the Front Line - The 2022 Protests
– UK’s Trade Union Congress Struggles to Keep a Lid on Worker Militancy: Rail workers - Postal and telecom workers - Port Workers - Barristers - Airport workers - Teachers and healthcare - Civil servants -Wildcat strikes, refineries, power stations - Spontaneous walkouts, Amazon
– Another Look at the Mapuche Conflict in Chile: The economy - The colonial era - The republican era - Transformations of Mapuche society - The Mapuche political movement - The only way forward is the class struggle of the proletariat
– FOR THE CLASS UNION: Militant Coal Miners fined millions of dollars by US government - American auto union neglects industrial workers - US Postal Service propped up by workers’ sacrifices
The Shameful Lie of “Defencism”, On the Thread of Time, 1951

N° 47 - October 2022 - pdf - printable
– Class War with No Class, Notes on Anti-War United Fronts, Activism, Recruitment and the United Front
– September 2022 - The First Step to Stop the Imperialist War is to Strike to Refuse to Pay its Costs (ICP leaflet in Italy for Unione Sindacale di Base)
– Britain’s ruling class knows economic collapse is coming - and is preparing for confrontation
– The Cascading Strike Wave in the UK
– Belgian Rail Workers Strike against Cuts
– American Railroad Conflict Approaches Climax
– 1877 American rail strike: an historical lesson for today’s working class
– Strikes and elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Trade Union Activity in Italy (Report from General Meeting 144, September 2022)

N° 48 - November 2022 - pdf - printable
– For a united trade union class front! - Italy, Bologna, Saturday, October 22 - To converge and unite working class struggles! - For a general movement demanding strong wage increases against the rising costs of living! - The first step to take today, to oppose the imperialist war tomorrow!
– No War but the Capitalists’ War? - International dockers movement lines up behind EUkrainian imperialism
– For an update on the Russian-Ukrainian war: The Ukrainian offensive - Russia’s Response - On the Kherson front - On the Kherson front - NATO’s involvement - The role of Turkey - Germany’s position - Russia-Iran collaboration in the military field - Trouble for Russia in Central Asia - The position of China and India - China wants time and puts the brakes on war - Conclusions
– The new wave of revolt in Iran: The antecedent, protests against rising prices - Reaction to the murder of a young woman - The reaction of the working class - Attempts at regime stabilization
– For the class union
– Industrial weight and intensity: Cycles of industrial production - The table by industrial weight - Demographic weight - Industrial intensity

N° 49 - December 2022 - pdf - printable
– American Rail Workers!
– Ontario Education Workers stand up to illegalization of Strike with threat of General Strike
– Bourgeois Repression in Turkey: Heads of the Turkish Medical Association and the Bread Producers’ Union Arrested
– Report on the 15th October 2022 Mobilization in Portugal
– Report from Pakistan
– “Public ownership” of the Railroads Brings no Gain
– France: New Strike Wave
– Capitalist Climate Change Threatens Agricultural Profits and Supply Chains

N° 50 - January-February 2023 - pdf - printable
– China’s Powder Keg: Protests against "zero-COVID" policy - Workers’ protests at Foxconn - Despite this, the virus spread(s) among the workers
– Moving Forward with the Communist Party Newspaper
– Peru: The Blood of Proletarians and the Oppressed is Spilled in the Street in the Inter-Bourgeois Conflict
– "Anti-Fascist Prejudice": Electoral Fairy Tales
– A Further Wave of UK Strikes: Army Called in to Break Strikes
– The British Labour Party and the CBI
– The Slogan of Civil War Illustrated, Lenin, March 29, 1915
– Activism and Spontaneism in the United Fronts of Inter-Class Pacifism
– The Ukrainian Economy
– Colombia: Petro Deepens Capitalism and Uses the Masses in Inter-Bourgeois Confrontation

N° 51 - March-May 2023 - pdf
– Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Destruction and Death are our Fate under Capitalism: Capitalist and Imperialist Crisis Management - Background to the Disaster: Building Excess and Real Estate Bubble - Spontaneous Mobilization Led by the Working Class - The Attitude of the Combative Trade Unions - Natural Disasters and Capitalism - Both Sides of the Border share a Common Destiny
– Rail Disaster in Ohio
– Greed blocks Navigation on the Mississippi.
– The January 8 Riots in Brazil’s Capital Blow Wind for the Flags of Bourgeois Democracy
– Italian Elections
– ICP Intervention in Portland City Workers’ Strike: Portland municipal workers Fighting for freedom to strike (Saturday, Jan. 28) - Portland: End capitalism’s violent campaign of intimidation against municipal workers (Friday, Feb. 3) - The Portland municipal workers’ strike is over (Sunday, Feb. 5)
– The 8 Months of Strike Action at New Holland
– General Strikes in France: January 19 - ICP Leaflet - Yet Another Attack on Living and Working Conditions
– Venezuela: Labor struggle at Ipostel
– Turkish and Syrian Textile Workers Unite in Gaziantep
– Russia and Georgia: By Striking, Proletarian Youth Challenge the Police State
– Georgia: Strike of Taxi Drivers and Couriers
– The Party’s Classical Theses and Evaluations on Imperialist Wars (1989)

N° 52 - June-July 2023 - pdf
– The Banking Crisis, Failure of the Capitalist Regime, Besieges All the Sanctuaries of Finance: Introduction - Labor and inflation - Tech Industry - SVB collapse - On a global scale
– Germany’s Regime Unions Struggle to Contain Militancy
– Anti-strike legislation fails to stop workers struggles in the UK
– The Growing Wave of Strikes Against Amazon in the UK: The Coventry Warehouse Strikes - March Strikes and Union Recognition - Expansion of Strikes at Rugeley and Mansfield - Amazon’s Response - Developments and Union Recognition Efforts - Critiques of the GMB and Pseudo-Left Groups - The future of labor relations in Amazon and its significance
– May Day 2023: No to Bourgeois Militarism - For the Unconditionsl Defense of the Working Class
– War in Kosovo?
– Life of the Party

N° 53 - August-September 2023 - pdf
– A Leaflet to the Workers of UPS - UPS Workers and the Working Class in the USA - For the Class Union: For United Class Action! Neither the Democrats nor Republicans! - Cut the Link Between the Unions and all the Bosses’ Parties!
– Crisis in Russia: Let All the Monstrous States of Capital Fall to the Ground
– On the Growth of Capitalism in Mexico
– The Crisis of the Bourgeoisie in Turkey: The Turkish Bourgeoisie and Elections - A Fragile Compromise - Elections Are Always Against the Interests of the Proletariat - A New Wave of Labor Struggles in Turkey - Struggles of DİSK Workers - Struggles of Turk-Is Workers - Conclusions
– The Resounding Death Knell: French Suburb Revolt Shatters Social Peace
– Nationalization and its Discontents: the Working Class
– The Oregon Nurses’ Strike in Retrospect - Our Intervention
– Life of the Party

N° 54 - October-November 2023 - pdf
– UAW Workers Stand-in for Class Unionism!
– For the Class Union. A Leaflet to the Workers of UPS: Vote No by Striking at UPS - No Workers Left Behind
– Democratic Socialism: False Friend of the Working Class: The Petty Bourgeoisie, Labor’s Executioner - Communism versus Democratic Socialism -
– Europe’s Decrepit Stalinist Parties Fail to Surprise on Ukraine
– Leaflet - For the Class Union: August 16th Public Sector Strike in Turkey
– In Brazil, as in Every Country, a Friendlier Government is still not a Friend of the Working Class
– Italy: Crucial Questions of Class Trade-Unionism Discussed at a Meeting of the CLA
– Firm Points of Trade Union Action, 1962
– Life of the Party: United Auto Workers

N° 55 - Dicember 2023 - January 2024 - pdf
– War in Gaza: All parties of the Israeli and Palestinian bourgeoisie direct their proletarians to the slaughter of a war for the defense of their profits and the survival of the rotten regime of capital
– Half A Million on Strike in Canada - Class Unions Needed: Quebec - New Brunswick
– Turkey: Prominent Labor Struggles in October
– Azerbaijani Offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh: Imperialism Can Only Resolve National Disputes with Wars and Displacement
– The Historical Causes of Arab Separatism - from “Il Programma Comunista” no.6, 1958: The Most Recent Split - The Past Cycle - The Game of Imperialism
– General Strike Against Labor Reform in Greece
– Portland Teachers Strike - It is time for OEA to take up a State wide strike strategy - Teachers need a general strike - On the School, the State and Capital: The Larger Economic Crisis, the Crisis in Education and the Education Worker Strike Wave - The True Value of Education and Teachers’ Wages - Education Funding - From the perspective of capital there is a good reason to maintain this status quo - Portland’s Public School System: A Capitalist Enterprise - In Education, There is No “Community” Interest - A Strike for PAT is a Strike for the Entire Working Class!
– The Tumultuous Progress of Indian Capitalism Between Bitter Social Tensions and Aspirations of Global Power: The Disputed Indo-Chinese Border - The Challenges of Indian Capitalism in the Present Phase of International Crises - The Industrial Contention, the Domination and Slowdown of the Chinese and the Moves of the Indian Giant - Apple’s Choices and Obstacles to Chinese Companies - Precious Microchips - Attack on the Conditions of the Working Class - The Possible Ambivalence of Indian Imperialism
– A Self-Made Labor Shortage Pushes Bourgeois Society to Abandon its Moral Edifice 10. - A Public Meeting in Genoa - Against War Between Bourgeois States! - For the unity of the Palestinian proletarians and Israel: Hamas and Israeli Government United in the Slaughter of Proletarians
– Life of the Party 2023: Rail Road Struggle 2022/23 - Portland, Or City Workers’ strike February 2023 - Rutgers April 2023 - Nationwide Meetings 2023 - Strike Wave Interventions Summer 2023 - Birth of CSAN May First 2023 - Providence Nurses Strike in Oregon
– In Memoriam: Sarah and Lena in Germany - A Eulogy Read for Comrade Mauro in Turin, Italy

N° 56 - February-March 2024 - pdf
– The Gazan Proletariat Crushed in a war between world imperialisms
– The International Communist Party calls upon all Proletarians to break the internal front! A party manifesto: For proletarian defeatism on both fronts of the bourgeois wars - For the international brotherhood of workers
– Proletarians of all countries unite! ICP leaflet distributed in Italy, November 24
– Germany: Capitalism is in crisis and fascism is on the rise: Rail workers lead the resistance - One sector is booming - The rise of the far right - German antifascism - National unity or class struggle
– Venezuela-Guyana: Reject the Bourgeois parties and their dispute over the Essequibo Territory
– Course of the Economy - An overview (Report at General Meeting 26-28 January): The decline in inflation - Industrial production
– Miners in South Africa Continue the Proletariat’s Struggle Against Regime Unions
– In our tradition - historical articles of the ICP: What has become of Giuseppe Sensi? (From "Seme Comunista", March 1939, Organ of the Italian Fraction of the International Communist Left)
– Strike at Özak Tekstil [Turkey] (From Komünist Parti #7): What happened - Lessons of Struggle - Internationalist Class Solidarity from the United States with the struggling Özak Tekstil Workers in Turkey! (Class Struggle Action Network)
– In memoriam: Giovanni Casertano - Mother Ginevra - Mauro

N° 57 - April-May 2024 - pdf
– International Working Women’s Day. Patriarchy is a Pillar of Capitalism and Will Fall With It
– New Worker Combativity in the United States: At UPS - Teamsters - The United Auto Workers - UAW workers move for class unionism!
– Firenze, Italy, Wed. February 21st, 2024. Struggle, Organization and Unity of Action of Class Unionism will Defend the Lives and Health of Workers
– Genoa, Italy, Friday, November 24, 2023. On the road to the revival of the Class Union
– Imperialist blocs rearm in preparation for world war - Against Bourgeois Militarism - For the Unconditional Defense of the Working Class
– The Freedom to Strike and the Theatrics of the Bourgeois Regime’s Servants
– The steady decline of wages in Italy
– United Kingdom: Strikes and Demonstrations Announce the Reawakening of the Working Class: Strikes in the Schools - In the Health Sector - In the Civil Service - Strikes in the Transport Sector
– To Reconstruct the Class Economic Organization (1975)
– The Illusion of the Minimum Wage and Workers Combativeness
– Crucial Questions of Class Trade-Unionism Discussed at a Meeting of the CLA: A fourth characterization of the CLA
– More Unrest Expected from China’s Working Class
– The Party’s Trade Union Activity in Italy
– One Year of the Class Struggle Action Network (CSAN): Reflections by party comrades on activity in CSAN

N° 58 - June-July 2024 - pdf
– The Cynical Calculations of the World Bourgeoisies and the Massacre of Palestinians
– The Hypocritical Pacifism of Trade Unions in the United States
– Why We Do Not Support the Call for Public Ownership of the Railroads
– Best Buy Restructure Leaves Workers Out on Street
– United Kingdom: The General Election Is not in the Interests of the Working Class
– Germany: The Burgfrieden Then and Now
– Turkey: On the March 31st Local Elections
– Turkey: The Lezita Strike and Internationalism
– The Chimera of Arab Unification Through Interstate Understandings, 1957