International Communist Party

Publications in the English language

"Communist Left"
(semiannual review)
Annual Subscription to Communist Left is £.2.00p (including postage), $.5, €.5 or equivalent in other currencies
"The Communist Party"
(bimonthly newspaper)

Printed Texts
Available from our Publishing Company CL Publishers
 – Factors of race and nation in marxist theory, 1953
 – A revolution summed up, The great lessons of October 1917, 1967
 - The Paris Commune, First Victory of the World Proletariat, 1985
 - The Italian Left on the line of Lenin and the first two congresses of the Third International, 1990
 - Communist Revolution and the Emancipation of Women, 1979
 - Wold War 2, Imperialist, Anti-proletaria, Counter-revolutionary, 1996
 - Lenin, The Organic Centralist, Organic centralism in Lenin, the Left and the actual life of the party, 2020

- Collections of our Current’s Press Organs - on Compact Disc from 1907 to 1999


- 1848 - Marx-Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party - Pdf - Pdf printable
- 1864 - IWMA (First International): Provisional rules
- 1871 - IWMA, London Conference, Resolution on the Political Action of the Working Class
- 1872 - IWMA, General Congress held at the Hague, Resolution on the Rules
- 1912 - Unanimity, l’Avanguardia, Jan.1
- 1912 - Against the War While the War Goes On, l’Avanguardia, Aug.25
- 1912 - Socialism and Feminism, l’Avanguardia, Oct.27
- 1912 - Between Peace and War, l’Avanguardia, Nov.14
- 1912 - The Balcan war, l’Avanguardia, Dec.1
- 1913 - The Crimes of Nationalism, L’Avanguardia, Jul.6
- 1914 - Irredentism, L’Avanguardia, Jan.11
- 1914 - As Concerns Neutrality - At Our Posts!, Avanti!, Aug.16
- 1914 - Reconfirming Absolute Neutrality, La Lotta di CLasse, Oct.17
- 1914 - For Active and Operating Anti-Militarism, Il Socialista, Oct.22
- 1914 - Yesterday’s socialism in the face of today’s war, L’Avanguardia, Oct.25
- 1914 - The European War and the Proletariat, Il Socialista, Oct.29
- 1914 - Let Us Prevent New Military Expenses!, Il Socialista, Nov.5
- 1914 - Towards the Future, Il Socialista, Nov.5
- 1914 - Let Us Close Our Ranks!, Il Socialista, Nov.12
- 1914 - Dogmas and Reality, Nov.24
- 1914 - Making Ourselves Understood, Dec.3
- 1914 - The Harmony among Masters, Il Socialista, Dec.10
- 1914 - Socialism and “National Defense”, Avanti!, Dec.21
- 1914 - Let Facts Speak, Il Socialista, Dec.31
- 1915 - Socialism, Fatherland and Defensive War, Avanti!, Gen.6
- 1915 - The Bourgeoisie and Principle of Nationality, Avanti!, Gen.24
- 1915 - From the Old to the New Anti‑Militarism, Avanti!, Feb.19
- 1915 - The Falsification, Avanti!, Apr.13
- 1915 - “Down With The War!”, La Lotta di Classe, May.22
- 1915 - Firmly Standing at our Posts, Il Socialista, May.22
- 1915 - The “Fait Accompli”, Avanti!, May 23
- 1915 - What Is Becoming Obvious, Avanti!, Sep.17
- 1915 - Lenin, Resolutions on the imperialist War
- 1916 - Socialist Doctrine and the War, L’Avanguardia, Oct.2
- 1918 - Revolutionary War?, Il Soviet, n.1
- 1919 - Third International, The Platform
- 1919 - Third International, Theses on Bourgeois Democracy and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
- 1919 - Three text of the Italian Communist Left on Anarchism: Socialism and Anarchy, Il Soviet, 13, Mar.16, 1919; Socialists and Anarchists, Il Soviet, 2, Jan1, 1920; Bolshevism defamed by the Anarchists, Il Soviet, 15, May 23, 1920
- 1919 - Two Letters to the III International, November 1919 and January 1920
- 1919 - Sylvia Pankhurst, Report on the 1919 Bologna Congress of the Socialist Party of Italy
- 1919 - Interview with Sylvia Pankhurst on the situation in England
- 1920 - I.S.P.: Theses presented by the Communist Abstentionist Fraction
- 1920 - I.S.P.: The Manifesto/Platform of the Party Left
- 1920 - I.S.P.: Theses of the Left on the Establishment of Workers’ Councils
- 1920 - Third International, Preamble to the Statutes
- 1920 - Third International, Conditions of Admission
- 1920 - Third International, Theses on the Role of the Communist Party in the Proletarian Revolution
- 1920 - Third International, Theses on Parliamentarism presented by the Communist Abstentionist Fraction of the I.S.P.
- 1920 - Third International, Theses on the national and colonial question - Supplementary theses
- 1921 - C.P.of I., Livorno, The Party programme.
- 1921 - C.P.of I., Party and Class - Party and Class Action.
- 1921 - C.P.of I., The Democratic Principle
- 1921 - Third International, Third Congress, Terracini’s Speech
- 1921 - Third International, Third Congress, Statement by the Italian Delegation
- 1922 - C.P.of I., Second Congress (Rome): Theses on Tactics.
- 1922 - Third International, Fourth Congress, Report on Fascism
- 1922 - The Tactics of the Communist International, Il Comunista 11 January
- 1923 - Lenin, Better Fewer but Better
- 1923 - Big stick in Poplar, by Sylvia Pankhurst
- 1923 - "Practical" socialists, by William Morris
- 1924 - Lenin on the Path of Revolution, 1924
- 1924 - Communism and the national question
- 1924 - Communist Organisation and Discipline
- 1924 - Third International, Fifth Congress, Programme of Action
- 1924 - Third International, Fifth Congress, Report on Fascism
- 1926 - C.P.of I., Third Congress (Lyon), Theses presented by the Left
- 1926 - Sixth Enlarged C.C.I. - Fifth Session, February 22, 1926 - Position of the Left
- 1926 - Letter to Korsch from the Left
- 1926 - Third International, VI E.E., Report by the Left of C.P. of Italy
- 1928 - The Crisis of the International, Prometeo, no 2
- 1928 - Capitalism’s mortal crisis, Prometeo no 5
- 1928 - The Coming War, Prometeo no 6
- 1928 - In Italy the proletariat occupied the factories, Prometeo, no 7
- 1929 - McDonald in power, Prometeo, no 20
- 1929 - Elements of Marxist Economics
- 1930 - The Fraction’s letter to the International Secretariat
- 1931 - The Gilded Reaction, 1931
- 1931 - War or Revolution, 1931
- 1933 - The Problem of the War, Prometeo, no 83
- 1933 - Revolutionary Communist Leaders, Prometeo no 84
- 1933 - The First International Repercussions of the Events in Germany, Manifesto, Prometeo no 85
- 1933 - May Day 1933, Rebuilding the Heritage of Proletarian Struggle, Prometeo no 87
- 1934 - Towards the New Sacred Union, Prometeo no 108
- 1935 - The “Fascist” (?) Adventure in Abyssinia, Prometeo no 120
- 1936 - Three articles from "Bilan" on the Spanish imperialist war
- 1936 - Lenin, Liebknecht and Luxemburg belong to the world proletariat, Prometeo no 127
- 1936 - The Real Meaning of the Non‑Intervention Committee in the Spanish Events, Prometeo no 139
- 1936 - The Only Class Weapon, Prometeo no 139
- 1936 - Who are the heirs of Lenin, Luxemburg, Liebknecht?, Bilan no 27
- 1937 - While the Popular Front goons massacre proletarians in the streets of Barcelona, Prometeo, May 30
- 1937 - Machine-Gun Strafing, Shelling, Repression - This is how the Popular Front responds to the Barcelona workers who dare fight back against the capitalist attack, Prometeo, May 30
- 1937 - Glimmers of Light, Prometeo, July 4
- 1943 - Workers, Peasants, Soldiers, 1943
- 1943 - The Italian proletariat must not allow itself to be deceived any longer
- 1943 - To the Imperialist War the Proletariat Opposes the Firm Will to Achieve Its Historical Program
- 1943 - Appeal for the Creation of a United Proletarian Front Against the War, december
- 1943 - Appeal to the Partisans
- 1944 - Manifesto
- 1944 - Proletarians! Desert The National Liberation Committee
- 1944 - Revolutionary General Strike or Political Adventure in the Service of Capitalism?, Prometeo, 6
- 1944 - Workers! The Communist Left Speaks to You
- 1944 - Manifesto of the Communist Left to the proletarians of Europe
- 1944 - Long Live the Proletarian Revolution!
- 1944 - Long Live the Warsaw Commune, La Sinistra Proletaria, oct.28
- 1944 - The German Proletariat and the Responsibilities of the War
- 1945 - At Yalta, “Democratic” Imperialisms Reaffirm the Chains of Capitalist Slavery
- 1945 - Nature, Function and Tactics of the Revolutionary Party of the Working Class
- 1946 - Marking out the Foundations (Tracciato di impostazione) - Pdf - Pdf printable
- 1946 - The Tactics of the Comintern, Prometeo, 2-7
- 1946 - Force, Violence, Dictatorship in the Class Struggle
- 1947 - The Revolutionary Workers Movement and the Agrarian Question, Prometeo, 8, November
- 1947 - The Proletariat and the Second World War
- 1948 - The Party programme
- 1949 - Property and Capital
- 1949 - Appeal for the Movement’s International Reorganisation
- 1949 - A Short history or the International Communist Left The Internationalist, autumn
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, Workers’ Parties Faced with Foreign Politicy, Battaglia Comunista, 2
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, Marxism and the Trade Union Question, Battaglia Comunista, 3
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, The USA’s European Policy Question, Battaglia Comunista, 4
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time (“Horrors” and “War Crimes”), Battaglia Comunista, 10
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, Pacifism and Communism, Battaglia Comunista, 13
- 1949 - General Guidelines on the Foundations of Party Organization
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, Marxism or Partisanism Battaglia Comunista, 14
- 1949 - Trade Union Splits in Italy, Battaglia Comunista, 21
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, The Inflation of the State, Battaglia Comunista, 38
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, Class Struggle and "Bosses’ Offensives", Battaglia Comunista, 39
- 1949 - The Liquidation of what was called the Greek Revolution, Battaglia Comunista, 40
- 1949 - On the Thread of Time, Socialists and the South, Battaglia Comunista, 49
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, Socialism and Nation, Battaglia Comunista, 9
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, War and Revolution Battaglia Comunista 10
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, Imperialist War and Revolutionary War, Battaglia Comunista, 11
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, Revolutionary Proletarian War, Battaglia Comunista, 12
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, The Romance of Holy War, Battaglia Comunista, 13
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, The Proletarian State and War, Battaglia Comunista, 14
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, The Planet is Small, Battaglia Comunista, 23
- 1950 - On the Thread of Time, The Dagger and Friday, the Nuclear Bomb and Mao, Battaglia Comunista, 24
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, You Can’t Stop Yourselves. Only the Proletarian Revolution Can. By Destroying your Power, Battaglia Comunista, 1
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, Shall Stenterello Leave?, Battaglia Comunista, 3
- 1951 - Praise of the Aggressor Battaglia Comunista, 4
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, The Shameful Lie of “DefencismBattaglia Comunista, 5
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, Tartuffe or on Pacifism Battaglia Comunista, 6
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, Equality of Nations Supreme Swindle Battaglia Comunista, 7
- 1951 - Theory and action in marxist doctrine
    I - The reversal of praxis
   II - Revolutionary Party and Economic Action
- 1951 - Characteristic Theses of the Party
- 1951 - Proletarian Dictatorship and Class Party
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, The doctrine of the body possessed by the devil, Battaglia Comunista, 21
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, Filling and bursting of bourgeois civilization, Battaglia Comunista, 23
- 1951 - On the Thread of Time, Murder of the dead, Battaglia Comunista, 24
- 1951 - Party letters on the trade union question
- 1952 - The New Deal - State Interventionism in Defense of Big Capital, 1952, Prometeo
- 1952 - Contributions to the organic historical representation of the marxist revolutionary theory
- 1952 - On the Thread of Time, Under the Bulk of the Leviathan Battaglia Comunista, 4
- 1952 - On the Thread of Time, Marxism of the Stammerers Battaglia Comunista, 8
- 1952 - On the Thread of Time, Straightening Dogs’ Legs Battaglia Comunista, 11
- 1952 - The H-Bomb vs the Revolution, Il Progrmma Comunista, 6
- 1953 - The Farce of Stalinist Insurrectionism Has Been Consumated
- 1953 - Remembering the Warsaw Commune, Il Programma Comunista
- 1953 - On the Thread of Time, The Spirit of Horse-power, Il Programma Comunista, 5
- 1953 - On the Thread of Time, The Battilocchio in History, Il Programma Comunista, 7
- 1953 - On the Thread of Time, Superman Deflate!, Il Programma Comunista, 8
- 1953 - On the Thread of Time, Carlylean Phantoms, Il Programma Comunista, 9
- 1953 - On the Thread of Time, The Batrachomyomachia, Il Programma Comunista, 10
- 1953 - On the Thread of Time, The Croaking of Praxis, Il Programma Comunista, 11 - ePub
- 1953 - On the Thread of Time, The dance of the puppets: from consciousness to culture, Il Programma Comunista, 12
- 1953 - Factors of Race and Nation in Marxist theory
- 1953 - Eight Supplementary Theses on Russia, Dialogue with Stalin
- 1954 - Southerism and Moralism, Il Programma Comunista, 20-21
- 1954 - Ten Articles on U.S. Racial Issues, 1954-1992
- 1956 - Plaidoyer pour Staline, Il Programma Comunista, 14
- 1956 - Weird and Wonderful Tales of modern social decadence, Il Programma Comunista, 17
- 1956 - The Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today
- 1957 - Fundamentals of Revolutionary Communism
- 1957 - The Colonial Question: An Initial Balance-Sheet
- 1957 - Forty Years of Organic Evaluation of International Social and Historical Developments in Russia
- 1958 - The revolutionary program of communist society eliminates all forms of ownership of land, the instruments of production and the products of labor, Il Programma Comunista, 16
- 1958 - The Colonial Question, An Initial Balance-Sheet, Programme Communiste, 4
- 1958 - The Historical Causes of Arab Separatism, Il Programma Comunista, 6
- 1960 - Auschwitz the Big Alibi - with 1987 Introduction
- 1960 - The Process of Centralization of Capital, Il Programma Comunista, 21
- 1962 - Firm Points of Trade Union Action, Il Programma Comunista, 19
- 1963 - The legend of the Piave Il Programma Comunista, 20
- 1964 - Struggle within the workers’ union, Il Programma Comunista, 8
- 1964 - Theses on the Chinese Question, Il Programma Comunista, 23
- 1964 - Notes for the Theses on the Question of Organization, Il Programma Comunista, 22
- 1964 - How to write history, A Critique of Hobsbawn
- 1965 - What the Popular Front Really Was, 1965
- 1965 - Lessons from the counter-revolution: Spain 1936, 1965
- 1965 - Considerations on the Organic Activity of the Party when the General Situation is historically unfavourable
- 1965 - Theses on the Historical Duty, Action, and the Structure of the World Communist Party...
- 1966 - Supplementary Theses on the Historical Task, the Action, and the Structure of the World Communist Party
- 1966 - The Classic Marxist perspective on the Party and the Trade Unions
- 1966 - Spain 1936
- 1967 - A Revolution Summed up, The Great Lessons of October 1917
- 1969 - The Only Struggle Against Fascism is the Struggle for Proletarian Revolution, Internationale Revolution, Dezember 1969 - Pdf Pdf printable
- 1970 - Introduction to Theses on Tactics of the Communist Party of Italy
- 1970 - Introduction and 2000 Introduction to Draft Theses presented by the Left at Lyon, 1926
- 1970 - Why Russia isn’t Socialist
- 1971 - The Truth Behind the Myth of the Vietminh, Il Programma Comunista, 17-19
- 1974 - On the same road as always, Il Partito Comunista, 1
- 1974 - The communist party in the tradition of the Left
- 1975 - To the British reader, from foreword to What Distinguishes our Party
- 1975 - Introduction to Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Russia
- 1975 - To rebuild the class organization, Il Partito Comunista, 16
- 1977 - Bases of Party’s Action in the Field of Proletariat’s Economic Struggles
- 1979 - Evolution and dynamic of the union form, Communist Left, 1
- 1979 - The Post-War Refoundation of Italian Trade Unions
- 1979 - Outside and Against the Existing Trade Unions
- 1980 - The Party Does not Arise from “Circles”
- 1980 - War or Revolution, Comunismo, 3
- 1980 - The Logic of Fascist Syndicalism and Regime Trade Unionism
- 1981 - Communist Revolution and the Emancipation of Women
- 1981 - The function of communists in proletarian class struggle
- 1982 - The Party Facing the Trade Unions in the Age of Imperialism
- 1983 - The Postwar Action and Policy of Opportunism Mark the Subjugation of the Regime Unions to Capital and its State
- 1984 - Communism and War: Anti-militarism in the Second International, 1984
- 1984 - Communism and war: The Anti-Militarist Battle of the Socialist Left in Italy - 1985 - The party’s preparation for the revolution lies in its organic nature
- 1984 - Either Pacifism or Marxism
- 1984 - Yes, we are dogmatists
- 1987 - When Death Is Not Scary
- 1988 - The Party’s Work of Economic Research on the Historical Cycle of Russian Capitalism - Table
- 1989 - The Anti-Historical Irish Nationalism
- 1989 - Party’s theses and classical evaluations on imperialist wars
- 1989 - Marxism and the Workers Movement in Britain
- 1989 - 1871 Paris Commune, First victory of the world proletariat, 1989
- 1990 - The Italian Left on the Line of Lenin and the First Two Congresses of the Third International
- 1991 - Communist id Dead. Long Live Communism!
- 1991 - Introduction to Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Russia
- 1992 - Nature and communist revolution
- 1992 - Towards the Rebirth of the Working Class Trade Union
- 1994 - The Decade of Preparation of the Second Imperialist World War, 1994
- 1995 - World War II Imperialist Conflict on Both Fronts Against the Proletariat and the Revolution, 1995
- 1995 - The tactic of affiliating the CPGB to the Labour Party
- 1997 - Origins and history of the English workers movement
- 2000 - Biodiversity and Capitalism
- 2003 - The Young Marx and Engels, the Workers, and the Trade-Union struggles, Communist Left, 21
- 2005 - Capitalist Development and the American Civil War
- 2006 - The Labor Movement in the United States of America
- 2006 - Schematic Chronology of the Chinese National Epic
- 2010 - The Labor Movement in the United States of America
- 2014 - The proletariat in Ukraine must struggle against both the Russian and Western imperialist fronts
- 2014 - The maneuvers of Imperialism in the Ukraine
- 2014 - In the Ukraine: Stale nationalisms used to cover up inter-imperialist conflict
- 2014 - War maneuvers in Europe
- 2020 - Lenin, the Organic Centralist - Organic Centralism in Lenin, the Left and the Actual Life of the Party [pdf] [epub]
- 2020 - The italian Left on the line of Lenin and the first two congresses of the Third International
- 2020 - The Last Forty Years of Class Struggle in Turkey
- 2022 - Capitalism is war - To stop it, the working class must bring capitalism down
- 2022 - Russia-Ukraine: Government Armies and “People’s Resistance” is being Used Against the Working Class
- 2023 - The Kurdish Question in the Light of Marxism