What distinguishes our party:
 – The line running from Marx to Lenin to the foundation of the Third International and the birth of the Communist Party of Italy in Leghorn (Livorno) 1921, and from there to the struggle of the Italian Communist Left against the degeneration in Moscow and to the rejection of popular fronts and coalitions of resistance groups;
 – The tough work of restoring the revolutionary doctrine and the party organ, in contact with the working class, outside the realm of personal politics and electoralist manoevrings.
THE UNITARY AND INVARIANT BODY OF PARTY THESES: English - Italiano - Español - Français - Deutsch - Português - Türkçe - Srpskohrvatski - اردو WHAT DISTINGUISHES OUR PARTY: English - Italiano - Español - Française - Deutsch - Nederlandse - Português - Română - Svenska - Srpskohrvatski - Türkçe - Русском - Български - Ελληνικα עברית - اردو -
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War Is Necessary and Inevitable Under Capitalism
 - The proletarians have no homeland to defend - Against the imperialist war! for class war against the regime of Capital!
Against Imperialist Wars: Index - A hundred years of party theses and statements
LATEST IN ENGLISH    -    In all languages

  • Aspects of the African revolution, 1958
  • Great eras of African history, 1958
  •  – All Flights Are Grounded at Boeing
  • Service Workers: For Class Unionism, Against Electoralism!
  • – “Communism”, no.1 - September 2024
  • Strike at Evolution Georgia
  • – “The Communist Party”, n.59, Septiembre - [pdf]
  • Party and Class Organs in the Tradition of the Communist Left, 1969
  • Venezuela: The bourgeoisie has its president
  • – “Communist Left” no.52, Spring 2024 [pdf]
  • Kenya of today
  • United Kingdom: The General Election Is not in the Interests of the Working Class
  • – “The Communist Party”, n.58, June-July - [pdf]
  • In Italy the proletariat occupied the factories, 1928
  • Struggle within the workers’ union, 1964
  • To rebuild the class organization, 1975
  • 1 May 2024 - The monster of world capital rushes into war. Only the international revolution for Communism can bring it down - pdf
  • – “The Communist Party”, n.57, April-May - [pdf]
  • March 8 - Patriarchy is a pillar of capitalism and will collapse with it
  • – “The Communist Party”, n.56, February-March - [pdf]
  • The Trade Union Internationals, 1949
  • Against dues checkoffs, in defense of the Trade Union!, 1967
  • For the Constitution of Workers’ Councils in Italy, “Il Soviet”, 1920
  • The Kurdish Question in the Light of Marxism, 2023
  • – “The Communist Party”, n.55, December-January - [pdf]
  • Portland Association of Teachers strike - It is time for OEA to take up a State wide strike strategy!
  • Take Over the Factory or Take Over Power ?, 1920
  • Yes, we are dogmatists, 1984
  • Index: Organic Centralism
  • General Guidelines on the Foundations of Party Organization, 1949
  • Property and Capital, 1949
  • Israel-Gaza War: All parties of the Israeli and Palestinian bourgeoisies direct their proletarians to the slaughter of a war
  • The Communist Party”, n.54, October-November - [pdf]
  • UAW Workers Stand-in for Class Unionism! - [pdf]
  • Index of works: Marxist theory of knowledge
  • On Marxism and the History of the Communist Left - Live speaking event in Chicago, Portland, Olympia, Sept.4-9-15, 2023
  • When Death Is Not Scary, 1987
  • Communist Left”, no.51, Summer [pdf - printable]
  • The Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today, 1956, Ch. 81-93
  • Vote No By Striking at UPS - No Workers Left Behind! [pdf]
  • The Communist Party”, n.53, August-September 2023 - pdf - printable
  • UPS Workers and the Working Class in the USA [pdf]
  • The Resounding Death Knell: French Suburb Revolt Shatters Social Peace
  • Crisis in Russia: Let All the Monstrous States of Capital Fall to the Ground
  • Historical-programmatic basis of revolutionary communism as concerns the relationship between party, class, class action and workers’ economic associations, 1971
  • The Communist Party”, n.52, June 2023 - pdf - printable
  • From the unchanging track of revolutionary Marxism springs the function of communists in proletarian class struggle, 1981
  • Elements of Marxist Economics, Section III, 1929
  • The Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today, 1956, Chapters 69-80
  • Theses on the Establishment of Workers’ Councils, 1920
  • Firm Points of Trade Union Action, 1962
  • May Day 2023 - No to bourgeois militarism - For the unconditional defense of the working class
  • Party letters on the trade union question, 1951
  • The Classic Marxist Perspective of the Party and the Trade-Unions, 1966
  • March 8, International Women’s Day - It is capitalism that prevents women’s liberation
  • The Communist Party”, n.51, March-April 2023 - pdf - printable
  • The Logic of Fascist Syndicalism and Regime Trade Unionism: The Defense of Capital, 1980
  • The Decade of Preparation of the Second Imperialist World War, 1994
  • The Postwar Action and Policy of Opportunism Mark the Subjugation of the Regime Unions to Capital and its State, 1983
  • Portland: End Capitalism’s Continued Campaign of Violent Intimidation Against City Workers
  • Portland City Workers - Fight for the Freedom to Strike
  • The Communist Party”, n.50, January - pdf - printable
  • 2022 ↓
  • Bases of Party’s Action in the Field of Proletariat’s Economic Struggles, 1977
  • History of the Communist Left, Chapters 12-22, 1964
  • The Communist Party”, n.49, December - pdf - printable
  • Rome, December 3: For a united trade union class front!
  • Communism and war: The Anti-Militarist Battle of the Socialist Left in Italy
  • The Crisis of the International, Prometeo, 1928
  • Elements of Marxist Economics, Introduction and Sections I-II, 1929
  • The course of world capitalism in the historical experience and doctrine of Marx, 1958
  • The Communist Party”, n.48, November - pdf - printable
  • Trade Union Splits in Italy, Battaglia Comunista, no.21, 1949
  • The Communist Party”, n.47, October - pdf - printable
  • US: Railroad conflict approaches climax
  • The Coming War, 1928
  • May Day 1933
  • The “Fascist” (?) Adventure in Abyssinia, 1935
  • Glimmers of Light, 1937
  • Communism and War: Anti-militarism in the Second International, 1984
  • "Communist Left", no. 50, August
  • Dogmas and Reality, 1914
  • Making Ourselves Understood, 1914
  • The Communist Party”, n.46, September - pdf - printable
  • Socialism and “National Defense”, 1914
  • The Bourgeoisie and the Principle of Nationality, 1915
  • Index of party work: On the Marxist Theory of Crisis
  • The European War and the Proletariat, 1914
  • Towards the Future, 1914
  • Let Us Prevent New Military Expenses!, 1914
  • The Harmony among Masters, 1914
  • Socialism, Fatherland and Defensive War, 1915
  • The Problem of War, 1933
  • The New Sacred Union, 1934
  • The Real Meaning of the Non‑Intervention Committee in the Spanish Events, 1936
  • The Only Class Weapon, 1936
  • The First International Repercussions of the Events in Germany, Manifesto, 1933
  • World War II Imperialist Conflict on Both Fronts Against the Proletariat and the Revolution, 1995
  • UK’s Trade Union Congress Struggles to Keep a Lid on Worker Militancy
  • As Concerns Neutrality - At Our Posts!, 1914
  • Let Us Close Our Ranks!, 1914
  • Let Facts Speak, 1914
  • The Falsification, 1915
  • Firmly Standing at our Posts, 1915
  • To the Bourgeois Shout “Long Live the Fatherland!” We Reply with the Proletarian Shout “Down With The War!”, 1915
  • The Communist Party”, n.45, August - pdf
  • Yesterday’s socialism in the face of today’s war, 1914
  • Reconfirming Absolute Neutrality, 1914
  • For Active and Operating Anti-Militarism, 1914
  • From the Old to the New Anti‑Militarism, 1915
  • The H-Bomb vs the Revolution, 1952
  • The “Fait Accompli”, 1915
  • What Is Becoming Obvious, 1915
  • Socialist Doctrine and the War, 1916
  • Revolutionary War?, 1918
  • Irredentism, 1914
  • You Can’t Stop. Only the Proletarian Revolution Can. By Destroying your Power, 1951
  • Italy: The leaders of SI CObas and USB arrested - A united class union front is the only way to defend workers from attacks by the bosses and the State
  • The Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today, Ch.1-68, 1956
  • The Planet is Small, 1950
  • Shall Stenterello Leave?, 1951
  • On the Thread of Time (“Horrors” and “War Crimes”), 1949
  • Unanimity, 1912
  • The Crimes of Nationalism, 1913
  • "The Communist Party", n.44, July pdf - printable
  • Equality of Nations Supreme Deceit, 1951
  • Between Peace and War, 1912
  • Against the War While the War Goes On, 1912
  • USA - The Bourgeois Attack on Abortion: The Only Defense is World Revolution!
  • On the Thread of Time:
  •  - Inflation of the State, 1949
  •  - Socialists and the South, 1949
  •  - Workers’ Parties Faced With Foreign Policy, 1949
  •  - Marxism and the trade union question, 1949
  •  - The USA’s European Policy, 1949
  •  - On the Thread of Time: Praise of the aggressor, 1951
  •  - The Marxism of the Stammerers, 1952
  •  - Under the Bulk of the Leviathan, 1952
  •  - Southernism and Moralism, 1954
  • "The Communist Party", n.43, June pdf - printable
  • May 20, 2022 - The Italian General Strike Against The War - After the Strike
  • The Media Circus and the Performing Bears
  • Two Articles on the "Hoover Plan" (Prometeo, 1931): The Gilded ReactionWar or Revolution
  • Imperialism and colonial peoples’ struggles in the bloody experience of Indonesia, 1967
  • The Proletarian State and War, 1950
  • The Liquidation of what was called the Greek Revolution, 1949
  • The Party Facing the Trade Unions in the Age of Imperialism, 1982
  • A May Day against War pdf
  • "The Communist Party", n.42, May pdf - printable
  • The New Deal - State Interventionism in Defense of Big Capital, 1952
  • "The Communist Party", n.41, April pdf - printable
  • While the Popular Front goons massacre proletarians in the streets of Barcelona, 1936
  • Machine-Gun Strafing, Shelling, Repression – This is how the Popular Front responds to the Barcelona workers who dare fight back against the capitalist attack, 1936
  • Appeal for the Creation of an United Proletarian Front Against the War, december 1943
  • Appeal to the Partisans, 1943
  • The Italian proletariat must not allow itself to be deceived any longer, 1943
  • Manifesto, 1944
  • Workers! The Communist Left Speaks to You, 1944
  • Proletarians! Desert The National Liberation Committee, 1944
  • The German Proletariat and the Responsibilities of the War, 1944
  • Long Live the Proletarian Revolution!, 1944
  • Long Live the Warsaw Commune!, 1944
  • Revolutionary General Strike or Political Adventure in the Service of Capitalism?, 1944
  • At Yalta, “Democratic” Imperialisms Reaffirm the Chains of Capitalist Slavery
  • Marxism or Partisanism, 1949
  • Pacifism and Communism, 1949
  • Socialism and Nation, 1950
  • War and Revolution, 1950
  • Imperialist War and Revolutionary War, 1950
  • Revolutionary Proletarian War, 1950
  • The Romance of Holy War, 1950
  • The Dagger and Friday, the Nuclear Bomb and Mao, 1950
  • Tartuffe, or on pacifism, 1951
  • The Shameful Lie of “Defencism”, 1951
  • Remembering the Warsaw Commune, 1953
  • The Farce of Stalinist Insurrectionism Has Been Consumated, 1953
  • What the Popular Front Really Was, 1965
  • Lessons from the counter-revolution: Spain 1936, 1965
  • War or Revolution, 1980
  • The proletariat in Ukraine must struggle against both the Russian and Western imperialist fronts, 2014
  • The maneuvers of the imperialisms in the Ukraine, 2014
  • War maneuvers in Europe, 2014
  • In the Ukraine: Stale nationalisms used to cover up inter-imperialist conflict, 2014
  • A March 8th during war-time - Women and the International Communist Revolution
  • Capitalism Needs War: Government Armies and “People’s Resistance” is being Used Against the Working Class
  • "The Communist Party", n.40, February-March - pdf - printable
  • Ukrainie War: Capitalism is war - To stop it the working class must bring capitalism down
  • "The Communist Party", n.39, January - pdf - printable
  • In Kazakhstan the working class has shown what it is capable of doing and what it will do
  • War and hunger in store for the proletariat in Turkey
  • 2021 ↓
  • "The Communist Party", n.38, December - pdf - printable
  • The Tactics of the Comintern from 1926 to 1940, Prometeo, 1946
  • The Italian Left on the Line of Lenin and the First Two Congresses of the Third International
  • "Communist Left", no. 49, November
  • Strike at the container port of Piraeus/Athens
  • "The Communist Party", n.37, October-November - pdf - printable
  • Workers-Toilers’ Rally in Istanbul: A United Front from Above is Not the Solution
  • To IATSE Members
  • The last forty years of class struggle in Turkey
  • "The Communist Party", n.36, September - pdf - printable
  • Notes for the Theses on the Question of Organization, 1964
  • The Party Platform, 1945
  • "The Communist Party", n.35, August - pdf - printable
  • Proletarians in revolt against the effects of capitalism in Cuba
  • "The Communist Party", n.34, July - Pdf - Printable
  • 1871 Paris Commune, First victory of the world proletariat, 1989 EPub
  • Italy, June 18 – Unitary National Strike of Logistics Workers - For the unitary strike of rank-and-file trade unions in logistics! For the establishment of the United Class Union Front!
  • The murder of a SI Cobas militant: The perpetrator is the bourgeois regime!
  • "The Communist Party", n.33, June - Pdf - Printable
  • CPoI, Como Conference, 1924, Draft Theses presented by the Left
  • Marx-Engels, The Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848 - Pdf - Pdf printable
  • The Only Struggle Against Fascism is the Struggle for Proletarian Revolution, Internationale Revolution, Dezember 1969 - Pdf - Pdf printable
  • Marking out the Foundations, 1946 - Pdf - Pdf printable
  • 1922, Third International, 4th Congress, Theses Presented by the CPoI
  • Israel-Palestine: War on Behalf of Bourgeois States - National Oppression - Only One Class and Revolutionary Solution
  • Report of C.P.of I. on Party Tactics and the Question of the United Front
  • "The Communist Party", n.32, May - Pdf
  • May Day 2021: Communism! - Pdf
  • Theses on the Agrarian Question (“Theses of Rome”), 1922
  • The Croaking of Praxis, 1953, ePub
  • Usa: Against “Democratic” Racism - General Class Struggle
  • UK - “Slaveroo” riders strike over pay and working conditions
  • Amazon: Bessemer (Alabama) Referendums used against the workers’ struggle
  • "The Communist Party", n.31, April - Pdf
  • "Communist Left", no. 48, March 2021 - Pdf - Epub
  • The SI Cobas strikes in Piacenza and Prato - How to Respond to the Agencies of Bourgeois State Repression
  • "The Communist Party", n.30, March - Pdf
  • March 8, 2021, International Working Women’s Day - For Women’s Freedom! For Communism!
  • Bessemer Amazon: There Will Be No Justice - There is Just Us!
  • "The Communist Party", n.29, February - Pdf
  • Ten Articles on U.S. Racial Issues, 1954‑92
  • Heart of Democracy: The Riot at the United States
  • The Anti-Historical Irish Nationalism, 1989
  • "The Communist Party", n.28, January - Pdf
  • 2020 ↓
  • Lenin, the Organic Centralist - Organic Centralism in Lenin, the Left and the Actual Life of the Party pdf - epub
  • On the thread of time, The Batrachomyomachia, 1953
  • "The Communist Party", n.27, December - Pdf
  • Programme of Action Presented by the Left of C.P.of Italy
  • "The Communist Party", n.26, November - Pdf
  • "The Communist Party", n.25, October - Pdf
  • "The Communist Party", n.24, September - Pdf
  • "Communist Left", no. 47, September 2020
  • The Great Lessons of October 1917 - A Revolution Summed Up, 1967
  • "The Communist Party", n.23, August - Pdf
  • 1920, II Congress of C.I. - Theses on the national and colonial question – Supplementary Theses
  • "The Communist Party", n.22, July - Pdf
  • "The Communist Party", n.21, June - Pdf
  • "Communist Left", no.46, Pdf format
  • MAY DAY 2020 - World Capitalism, Only Concerned with its own Survival, Exploits and Abandons the Working Class to the Contagion - Capitalism can and Must be Overthrown Everywhere
  • On the general historical crisis of capitalism (.mp3)
  • "The Communist Party", n.20, May - Pdf
  • The price of oil collapses - In deflation the material itself rebels against its commodity form
  • "The Communist Party", n.19, April - Pdf
  • Coronavirus vs. Capitalism
  • Covid-19 treatment for capitalism means no relief for the working class
  • Coronavirus: The pandemic is not above the classes
  • "The Communist Party", n.18, March-April - Pdf
  • "Communist Left", no. 46, March 2020
  • March 8th - Socialism and Feminism - L’Avanguardia, 1912
  • Communist Revolution and the Emancipation of Women, 1981
  • For a Single Class Union Front - Against bosses, bourgeois State and regime unionism
  • "The Communist Party", no.17, January-February - pdf
    (Previous years)